Sunday, June 5, 2011

When HE left us

The child lay on his bed, weak and frail
He had not been out playing for many a days now.
The wide green fields, outside his window, beckoned for him
His friends dared not visit him;
For fear of the disease that left its indelible mark,
On the three-year-old's face and body.
Oh how he longed to be able to run again...
Tears running down his face he looked up at his uncle, who stood by the bedside
"Will you take me outside?"

He had endured years of hardship before he conquered success,
In this world that bared its fangs and devoured every weakling
That failed to trod the path of the brave.
He had seen it all; but an indomitable will coupled with hard-work,
Catapulted him out of the dark pit of mediocrity.
The venomous snakes of the society could now do him no harm.
He had looked adversity in the eye and had emerged victorious;
Yet, that soft, innocent, pain-laden voice posed a question
That seemed too difficult to answer.

"Yes my dear, we shall soon go out,
I shall take you to this beautiful place, calm and serene
Where all those you love shall be present;
Everyone will smile and tears shall be banished.
But you will have to wait a little, wait until the time comes."
A little sigh echoed around the room...
His uncle had been his 'man-at-arms' in this battle,
This battle that threatened to steal his life-force away.

The time had come, they had to carry him out
To this quiet and serene place.
The bearers maintained a steady pace,
The priest uttered ritualistic mantras
All his loved ones were there.
His face donned an angelic smile
The disease that snatched him away couldn't snatch his smile away...
As the doors of the incinerator shut tight,
I bid farewell to my 'man-at-arms',
My uncle; who long ago had taught me to live.
As promised, there were no tears
But for the ones that the heart wept.


  1. This is dedicated to my uncle, Mr. Haripada Bhattacharya. May his soul rest in peace.
