Friday, June 3, 2011

My Demise

Rays of the setting sun fall on my face
through the foliage above;
I lie beneath this tree as it pierces my heart with its roots,
the sound of splattering blood is synchronized
with the ripples of the nearby river.
I can feel maggots move through my flesh; am I dead?
No is the answer that i get from the stranger standing near my head...
Wait! Do i know him?
A kind smile, a gesture of hand that is all too familiar!
I smile at my corpse on the ground and I say:
"Don't worry, the pain shall subside soon,
I will hold your hand until there's harmony all around".


  1. Omg!! You FINALLY blogged!!
    That is really well written. I never knew you could be so intense in your writing!!

  2. Thanks! I intend to write more...

  3. well i ll repeat what i mentioned in your fb page. Super Duper well written. Look forward to more of your write ups.

  4. I hope this doesn't actually reflect your mood :(. Love the out-of-body concept - did you DSL filter your soul?

  5. Thanks Bunty! : i understand that u r from john hopkin's inst. of gifted people... that does not mean that you have to always use terms that zoom above my head... :P
